首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >延边地区北五味子种植土壤养分的主成分分析和聚类分析




[Objective]To study the soil nutrient indes of Schisandra chinensis (Trucz) Baoll planting base in Yanbian to as to provide basis for its scientific fertilization. [ Method ] Twelve nutrient indexes, of 20 soil samples from the planting base in Yanbian were determined, through the principal component analysis on these twelve nutrient indexes, six main indexes including TN,TP,organic matter,available P,TK and total Ca were studied by cluster analysis. [ Result ]The planting soil of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz) Baoll in Yanbian could be classified into three categories ,4 samples in the first category ,6 in the second,and 10 in the third ,50% of the soil samples were classified into one category. [ Conclusion ] The soil for planting Schisandra chinensis (Turcz) Baoll was strongly acidic with high content of available phosphorus as well at relative large content of total nitrogen,trace elements in the total K,boron,manganese,iron and organic matter,but 50% of soil samples showed severely lack of copper and 10 % lacked in zinc, therefore a balanced and reasonable fertilization was recommended to increase the fertilizer efficiency.%[目的]研究延边地区五味子种植基地土壤养分指标,为科学施肥提供依据.[方法]对延边地区北五味子(Shisandra chinesis (Turcz) Baoll)种植基地的20份土壤样品中的12个养分指标进行测定,按统计分析原理,通过对土壤样品12个营养指标的主成分分析,对土壤样品的全氮、全磷、有机质、有效磷、全钾、全钙共6项主要土壤营养指标进行聚类分析.[结果]延边地区五味子种植土壤可聚为3类,第1类4个,第2类6个,第3类10个.50%的土壤样品为一类.[结论]种植五味子土壤呈强酸性,土壤有效磷含量过高,土壤全氮、微量中元素全钾、有效硼、锰、铁及有机质含量水平较高,但50%土壤有效铜含量严重偏低,10%土壤缺锌,建议平衡合理施肥,提高肥料利用率.



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