首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >基于DEMATEL方法的长吉图地区农村合作经济制度影响因素研究




运用DEMATEL方法对影响长吉图农村合作经济制度的4类共20个因素进行矩阵分析,得到各因素的综合影响矩阵及其影响度、中心度和原因度,表明宏观经济体制、法律法规、思想观念、政府观念对农村合作组织有重要作用.而制度环境类因素是影响合作社发展的最重要因素,因此需要在宏观经济体制、法律法规、区域发展战略、物流制度、土地制度、就业制度、户籍制度、教育制度、行政制度方面进行完善,以促进长吉图开发开放先导区的农村经济发展.%By using the DEMATEL method, the 20 factors in four types that affect the rural cooperative economic system of Changjitu Area are analyzed. The comprehensive influencing matrix of each factor, and its influencing degree, central degree and reason degree are obtained, which indicates that macro economic system, law and regulations, thought pattern, government concept have great functions on rural cooperative organization. But the system environment is the major factor that affects the development of cooperatives. So the perfection of macro-economic system, laws and regulations, regional developmental strategy, logistics system, land system, households registration system, education system, administration system should be conducted to promote the rural economic development of Changjitu Area.



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