首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >基于MapObjects的植物信息管理系统的开发




With Zhaolin Garden in Harbin as the study area, the name, species and growth traits of plants in this garden were statistically analyzed, and then the Access was adopted to establish a corresponding database, which was connected into Visual Basic 6.0 by ADO technology, then the programming language of Visual Basic 6.0 and MapObjects 2.2 controls were used to establish the plant information management system, mainly including the maintenance of database and the query of plant distribution and plant attribute. Based on the various functions of the MapObjects 2.2, all users could have a more comprehensive understanding and a more accurate positioning of the plant information in the Zhaolin Garden.%以哈尔滨兆麟公园作为研究区,对园区内树种的树名、科属、生长特性等基本信息进行统计,并用Aceess建立相应的数据库,然后利用ADO技术将数据库连入Visual Basic 6.0中,利用Visual Basic 6.0编程语言和MapObjects 2.2控件建立植物信息管理系统,主要包括数据库的维护、植物分布查询和植物属性查询等部分.基于MapObjects 2.2的各种功能,使用户对兆麟公园的植物信息有更全面的了解和更确切的定位.



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