首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >沧浪亭古树树体现状和症状及保护技术措施研究




The paper had studied growth situation and disease symptoms of ancient trees in Surging Waves Pavilion. There were 14 ancient trees belonging to 10 genera of 9 families, with tree age of 120 - 260 years. These trees had been well protected generally. There were 9 ancient trees growing well, occupying 64.29%, which were Ginkgo biloba, Cupressus funebris Endl. , Podocarpus macrophyllus, Zelkova schneideriana Hand. -Mazz. , Cinnamomum camphora ( L. ) Presl, Buxus sinica, and Wisteria sinensis Sweet. There were 5 ancient trees needed to be protected preferentially, occupying 35.71%, including Ligustrum lucidum, Osmanthus fragrans and Pterocarya stenoptera. The disease symptoms were trunk rot and hollow structure. Based on these symptoms, the paper had proposed protective measures for Ligustrum lucidurn and Osrnanthus fragrans: ① enclosing eroding holes on the trunk; ② clearing up eroded wood on the surface of trunk, disinfecting and applying anti-corrosion protectants; ③ filling eroded holes of the trunk. Protective measures for Pterocarya stenoptera included: ① clearing up he inner part and intine; ② eliminating pernicious influence for corrosion prevention; ③ applying anti-corrosion protectants.%调研了沦浪亭现存古树的生长现状与病状,得知沦浪亭现有古树14株,分别属于9科10属,树龄为120~260年.沦浪亭古树总体得到了较好的保护,长势良好的古树9株,占64.29%,分别为银杏、柏树、罗汉松、桃仁树、香樟、瓜子黄杨、紫藤;需重点保护的古树5株,占35.71%,分别为女贞、桂花、枫杨,具体病状表现为树干腐蚀中空和洞穴状.基于需重点保护的5株古树的病状,笔者提出女贞和桂花的保护措施为:①对主干上穴口进行封实处理,②清除主干表层已腐烂木质并消毒、涂抹防腐蚀保护剂,③填补树干洞穴;枫杨的保护措施为:①清理洞穴内部、内壁,②对树干进行防腐消毒处理,③涂抹防腐保护剂.



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