首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >中国古典园林对精神文化的形式表达




By studying close links between classical Chinese gardens and traditional Chinese cultures,it was stressed that spiritual characteristics pursued by classical Chinese gardens were inevitable components of their expression forms, which were also closely related to classical Chinese philosophy,social system and other cultural phenomena. The characteristics of classical Chinese gardens in terms of psychology were analyzed ,and it was proposed that they had particular cultural connotations in the spiritual expression and pursuit,that is,natural view of “human-nature oneness” ,etiquette culture of “coordinating with the nature by etiquette” ,seclusion views of “living in seclusion and pursuing a peaceful life”. The concrete expressions of spiritual cultures in classical Chinese gardens were discussed,specifically ,the expression of natural views was demonstrated as “respecting the nature, all creatures having its own Dao ( way of evolution), adopting measures suiting local conditions, skillfully borrowing from other landscapes, simulating natural landscapes” ;as for the expression of seclusion views,it was demonstrated as the expression of seclusion cultures by inscriptions and steles, the expression of “seclusion” by implicit garden settings ;etiquette and hierarchy of classical Chinese gardens were discussed from the perspective of private garden layout and residence construction. On this basis,spiritual world of ancient Chinese was further studied ,mental patterns of Chinese were believed as the source of classical gardens,and what those hills,water,plants,architecture as well as their combinations expressed were spiritual pursuits of people.%从中国古典园林与文化有着千丝万缕的联系入手,强调中国古典园林所追求的精神特征是其形式表达的必然性所在,它与中国的哲学文化、社会体制以及其他一些文化现象是密不可分的,分析了中国古典园林在心态层面的特征,认为其在精神表达与诉求方面具有独特的文化内涵,即"天人合一"的自然观、"以礼和天"的礼制文化以及归隐、求安的隐逸观.探讨了中国古典园林形式对精神文化的具体表达,指出其在自然观的形式表达方面崇尚自然、万物有道,因地制宜、巧于因借,摹写自然、仿造山水;在分析对隐逸观的形式表达方面,着重于园林题名匾额对隐逸文化的表达、园林中含蓄的形体表达方式对"隐"的体现;从宅园的布局与宅的营造上探讨了中国古典园林的礼制与秩序:在此基础上细致并深入地感悟古人的精神世界,认为中国人的精神模式是古典园林造型的源泉,山水、植物、建筑及其组合形态所表达的正是人的精神追求境界.



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