首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >生物沟技术在城市面源污染控制中的应用研究进展




生物沟是一种高效、低成本的城市非点源污染控制技术,但关于该技术的文献资料相对分散,缺乏系统的集中论述,在参考了近几年研究文献的基础上,报道了最新的研究发现,总结了近几年的研究成果,分析了目前研究中存在的问题,讨论了提高运行效能需要改进的部分,探讨了将来的研究趋势.对于生物沟的水质控制(即TSS、重金属、营养盐的去除能力)、设计和预测模型给予了特别强调.关于溶解性营养盐及其他有毒化合物的去除、系统堵塞、适宜植物的筛选以及高灵敏度模型的开发是今后的研究重点.%Bioswales is an effective and low-cost technology for urban non - point source pollution control. However,the literature about bioswales is relatively diffuse and systematic discussion focused on them is very limited. As a result,with the help of recent research ,the latest studies are reported,and the research results in recent years are summarized. Problems which still exist in present studies are analyzed and the performance necessary to be improved is discussed and current trends in research are also investigated. Particular higbright is given to water quality control (i.e. the removal efficiency of TSS,heavy metal,nutrition pollutants) ,design and mathematical models. Study on the removal of dissolved pollutants and toxic compounds,system clogging, plants choice ,and THE development of high sensitive models is promising.



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