首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >马里兰烟新品种五峰1号的选育及特征特性




[Objective] The purpose was to provide a scientific basis for popularization and cultivation of Maryland tobacco Wufeng No. 1. [ Method] Maryland tobacco Wufeng No. 1 was a new variety bred from Maryland 609 (Md609) system, its breeding process and characteristics were introduced and analyzed. [Result] This variety has characteristics of strong growth vigor, cylinder type, long elliptic blade, higher plant height, more effective leaf number and moderate field development stages. It also has a appropriate single output and high value. Moreover , this variety has a broader adaptation with a drought tolerance, can resist to black shank, black root rot, brown spot moderately and easy infected by mosaic virus disease, empty stem diseases. Raw tobacco leaf has a loose structure, moderate identity, red yellow color, shiny bright and good appearance quality. Raw tobacco leafs chemical composition is coordinate, has a high total sugar and reducing sugar, appropriate total nitrogen and nicotine, high potassium with a low chloride ion. This tobacco has a large amount of aromas with a good quality and significant aromas types, coupled with strong flammability. The characteristics of this tobacco described above lead to a high industrial value. [Conclusion] Wufeng No. I's comprehensive characteristics is good, and suitable for planting in Yichang Area, Hubei.%[目的]为马里兰烟新品种五峰1号的推广种植提供科学依据.[方法]五峰1号是利用马里兰烟609(Md609)系统选育的马里兰烟新品种,介绍其选育经过,分析其特征特性.[结果]该品种株式筒形,株高较高,叶片长椭圆形,有效叶较多,大田生育期适中;生长势强,产量适宜,产值较高;抗黑胫病和根黑腐病,中抗赤星病,易感花叶病毒病、空茎病,较耐旱,适应范围较广.原烟叶片结构疏松,身份适中,颜色红黄,光泽明亮,外观质量好.总糖、还原糖含量低,总氮、烟碱含量适宜,钾含量高,氯离子含量低,化学成分协调,香型风格显著,香气质好.香气量较足,燃烧性强,工业利用价值高.[结论]五峰1号综合性状表现优良,适宜在湖北宜昌地区种植.



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