首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >留茎高度对红芪产量和品质的影响




[ Objective ] To study the effect of stubble height on the yield and quality of Hedysanun polybotrys Hand. - Mazz at the eastern area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. [ Method] The single factor randomized block was designed to study the effect of stubble height on the yield and quality of Hedysarum poiybotrys Hand. - Mazz in the experimental base of Gansu Normal University for Nalinalities. [ Result] The stem was cut before budding in early July, and the main root length, root diameter, root fresh weight and yield were the highest when the stubble height was 50 cm, the yield improved significantly by 30.86% compared to CK, the contents of polyaaccharides and total flavonoids were the highest, and the quality of medicine was the best. [ Conclusion] The stubble height of 50 cm was the best, which can improve not only the yield but also the quality of medicine.%[目的]研究青藏高原东缘的红芪留茎高度对红芪产量和品质的影响.[方法]采用田间试验单因素随机区组法,在甘肃民族师范学院藏药材引种驯化试验基地研究了红芪留茎高度对其产量、品质的影响.[结果]红芪在7月上旬现蕾前进行剪茎,且留茎50 cm的红芪的主根根长、根径、单株根鲜重等经济性状和产量最高,且产量比CK提高了30.86%;多糖和总黄酮含量最高,药材品质最优.[结论]红芪留茎高度在50 cm左右时较为理想,能达到增产和改善药材品质的效果.



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