首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >贵州城乡收入差距的现状·演变轨迹及其原因解析——兼论贵州与全国农村居民的收入差距




为了揭示1978~2006年期间贵州城乡居民收入差距以及贵州与全国农村居民收入差距总体上不断扩大和2006年之后差距开始趋向缩小的内在原因,笔者对贵州农村居民人均纯收入的构成进行分析,并提出相应的对策,为提高贵州城乡居民收入研究作参考.结果表明:贵州农村居民人均纯收入低,主要表现为工资性收入低和家庭经营收入的农业收入低,这与滞后的工业化、城市化以及生态环境脆弱的地理环境是分不开的.%In order to reveal the inherent reasons of expanding urban and rural residents income difference and the distinction of rural residents income in Guizhou and all China during 1978 - 2006 and then narrowing after 2006, the composition of per capita net income of rural households in Guizhou was analyzed and corresponding countermeasures were proposed so as to provide reference for raising urban and rural residents income in Guizhou. Results indicated that the main reason of low per capita net income of rural households in Guizhou was low salary and low income from agricultural industry, which also was related to the stagnant industrialization, urbanization and fragile ecological environment.



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