首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >我国秸秆粉碎机的研究现状与展望




Biomass resources are abundant in China, with the increasing exploitation and utilization of biomass energy, the crushing of bio-mass is extremely vital. This paper summarized the present situation and development of straw-muller in China, and researched the structure features, performance parameters and basic principles of guillotine cut, hammer, knead cut and combined mullers, and analyzed the recent development and the general trend of muller, then put forward that we should put emphasis on the theoretical research and innovation of straw-muller , optimizing the existing crush equipment, further improving and perfecting the existing machines types, so that the main working parts of each machine type will be more standardized. We should develop integrated processing equipment, exploit the economic market of straw-muller greatly, thereby, improve the economic benefit.%我国是生物质产出大国,随着对生物质能的不断开发与利用,对生物质的粉碎就显得十分的重要.该文概述了我国秸秆粉碎机的研究发展现状,研究了现有粉碎机如铡切式、锤片式、揉切式和组合式粉碎机的结构特点、性能参数及粉碎的基本原理,阐述了今后秸秆粉碎机的发展趋势,提出要重视对秸秆粉碎机的理论研究与创新,优化现有的粉碎设备,进一步改进和完善现有机型,使各种机型的主要工作部件实现标准化.发展一体化联合加工设备,大力开拓秸秆粉碎机的经济市场,从而提高经济效益.



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