首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >两种覆膜机覆膜增产效果研究




[目的]比较不同花生覆膜播种机具的增产效果.[方法]选用山东万能达花生覆膜播种机为对照,以出苗率、苗期生长势、抗旱性、小区产量、增效率为指标,验证辽宁省风沙地改良利用研究所与阜新县科技局合作研制的花生覆膜打孔播种机的机构性能.[结果]新机构播种的花生自行出苗率96%以上,生长势和抗旱性明显优于对照;新机构节省费用1500元/hm2,增产210 kg/hm2,按花生每公斤 5元的价格计算,比不覆膜增收5 400元/hm2,比用万能达覆膜播种机增收2 250~4 500元/hm2.[结论]该机经过试验示范,自行出苗率96%以上,增产增收效果好.%[Objective ] The different machines used in plastic film-covering for peanut yield were compared. [ Method ] The effect of the done by the machine (Brand: Shandong Wannengda) on peanut economical character being used as the CK and the ratio of germination, the seedling growth potential, the drought resistance, the yield and the rate of efficiency-increasing being used as the indicator, the performance of machine of plastic film-covering produced by the Institute of Sandy Soil Improvement of Liaoning Province and Fuxin County Bureau of Science and Technology was verified. [ Results] The ratio of germination was more than 96% and the performance of growth potential and drought resistance was obviously better those of the CK while the plastic film-covering for peanut was done this new type of machine, which cost-saving was I 500 yuan/hm2 and yield-increasing was 210 kg/hm2. Thus, the income from the peanut production done by new machine was S 400 g/hm2 ( based on the price of 5 yuan/kg) more than that of non-plastic film-covering and 2 250 -4 500 g/hm2 more than that of plastic film-covering done by Shandong Wannengda. [ Conclusion ] The experiment indicated that the rate of peanut seedling germination was above 96% under the application of the machine, with good yield and efficiency-increasing.



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