首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >弱光胁迫对云南烤烟碳水化合物代谢的影响




[Objective] The study aimed o discuss the effect of weak light stress on the carbohydrate metabolism of Yuannan flue-cured tobaccos during the period from topping to baking. [Method] The flue-cured tobaccos was covered by using the sunshade net with the shading rate of 75% and the effect of weak light stress on the carbohydrate metabolism in the middle and upper leaves of Yuanyan 87. [Result] The weak light stress in the different time reduced the contents of starch, total sugar, reducing sugar and sucrose, but had no significant effect on the contents of glucose and fructose in the upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco; its influence on middle leaves was significant than that on the upper leaves, it reduced the contents of starch, total sugar and reducing sugar, increased the sucrose content, and had no notable effect on the contents of glucose and fructose in the middle leaves. [Conclusion] Under the weak light stress, the contents of starch, total sugar and reducing sugar in the tobacco leaves was decreased obviously. The influence of the weak light stress on the middle leaves was greater than that on the upper leaves, and the influence was enhanced with the prolonging of the stress tine, so in the production it should using the way with the reasonable density could reduce the influence of weak light stress on the flue-cured tobacco.%[目的]探讨弱光胁迫对云南烤烟打项至采烤期间碳水化合物代谢的影响,为云南烤烟提质增效提供理论依据.[方法]利用遮阳网(遮光率75%)对烤烟进行遮盖,研究弱光胁迫对云烟87中部及上部烟叶碳水化合物代谢的影响.[结果]不同时间的弱光胁迫降低了烤烟上部叶中淀粉、总糖、还原糖、蔗糖的含量,对葡萄糖、果糖含量无显著影响;对中部叶影响比上部叶显著,降低了中部烟叶中淀粉、总糖、还原糖的含量,增加了蔗糖含量,对葡萄糖、果糖含量无显著影响.[结论]在弱光胁迫下,烟叶中的淀粉、总糖、还原糖含量明显下降.中部叶受弱光胁迫影响强于上部叶,并且随胁迫时间延长而增强,因此生产中应通过合理密植方式减小弱光胁迫对烤烟的影响.



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