首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >不同铺膜播种方式对玉米生长环境和经济效益的影响




[目的]为了使地膜使用过程中的放苗问题和地膜回收难题得到解决.[方法]以平铺膜侧播种替代传统的开沟铺膜以及膜上打孔种植方式,并进一步探讨这2种不同的铺膜种植方式下对玉米生长环境参数、产量构成因素、产量以及投入产出比的影响.[结果]平铺侧种方式下玉米苗带上的积温和土壤含水量与开沟铺设和膜上打孔种植没有显著差异,完全能起到铺膜所起的增温保湿的作用,几个产量构成因素也均无显著差异,但较对照均有显著差异,产量也较对照有不同程度的增加,农民使用平铺侧种方式在省工增产的同时还能增收约1050元/hm2,同时由于地膜没有开沟铺设,所以回收问题也迎刃而解.[结论]该研究可为玉米的种植提供指导.%[Objective]In order to solve the problem of emergence of seedling and plastic film recovery in the process of film formation.[Meth-od]We proposed flat-filming and side-sowing instead of traditional film and film hole furrow planting method.Effects of the two kinds of different laying film and sowing pattern on corn growth environment parameters, yield components, yield and input-output ratio of maize were researched .[ Result] There was no significant difference in the accumulated temperature and the soil water content between the two kinds of different laying film and sowing pattern,the flat-filming and side-sowing can play the role of warming and moisturizing, several yield components also showed no significant difference, but there were significant differences compared with the control, yield compared with the control had different degrees of increase, farmers who used flat-filming and side-sowing can reduce investment and increase about 1050 yuan per hectare.At the same time ,re-cycling issues was also solved easily as the film was not laid by ditching.[Conclusion]The research can provide guidance for planting mainze.



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