首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >豫东平原农业智能化气象灾害预警与防御系统研究




In the realization of intelligent agriculture,according to the geographical,climate and agricultural production status of eastern Henan,based on the agricultural automated irrigation and drainage system,the early warning and defense system of agricultural intelligence meteorological disasters in eastern Henan plain had finished the integration of agricultural weather monitoring service system and weather forecasting early warning disaster prevention system.Based on weather forecasting and early warning information,the system could automatically make agricultural production recommendations in time;and according to soil moisture and crop growth condition,this system could make an automatic irrigation,grainage and so on.Meteorological automatic stations of different types and functions were available to varied needs in different areas.According to local conditions,the monitoring over agriculture,forestry,horticulture and irrigation and other meteorological elements could be done in a very convenient way,together with the realization of pastoral farmland,systematic irrigation,scientific management,well-working operation,networking information,and socialized services,thus achieving an integration of economic,social and ecological benefits.%豫东平原农业智能化气象灾害预警与防御系统在实现了农业智能化的同时,根据豫东地区地理、气候和农业生产现状,在农业自动化灌排系统的基础上整合了农业气象监测服务系统、天气预报预警灾害防御系统,该系统可以根据气象预报预警信息自动、及时做出农事生产建议,能够自动根据土壤墒情、农作物生长状况进行灌溉、排水等.在不同地区,可以根据需要选用不同类型和功能的气象自动站,因地制宜,方便地进行农业、林业、园艺及灌溉等气象要素的监测,实现耕地园田化、灌排系统化、管理科学化、运行良性化、信息网络化、服务社会化,达到经济、社会、生态三大效益的统一.



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