首页> 中文期刊> 《农学学报》 >生物农药和生化复配制剂防治设施秋番茄温室白粉虱效果研究




In order to reduce the occurrence of autumn tomato greenhouse whitefly, cut down the chemical pesticide consumption and residue, and prevent environmental pollution, the methods of forecasting, randomized block design and statistical analysis were used in field efficacy tests of biopesticide avermectins+Gibberellin-heteroauxin-brassinolide (GHB), matrine + GHB and biochemical compounded preparation emamectin benzoate + GHB to investigate their control effects on whitefly. The results showed that when the occurrence of autumn tomato greenhouse whitefly was serious, 1.8%avermectins EC 375 g+GHB WP 600 g, 1.5%matrine SL 4500 mL+GHB WP 600 g and 5.7%emamectin benzoate SG 450 g+GHB WP 600 g per hectare were applied 4 times, once in 7 days, the control effects on the 10th , 17th , 26th and 35th day were 81%, 83%, 85%and 81%. After 10 and 17 days of application, the control effects of emamectin benzoate+GHB and avermectins + GHB, matrine + GHB were not significant, while the control effect of avermectins + GHB was significantly higher than that of matrine + GHB. These results indicated that avermectins + GHB, matrine +GHB and emamectin benzoate+GHB were the ideal biopesticides, which could be used not only for controlling autumn tomato greenhouse whitefly, but also for realizing modern, pollution- free, green and organic agricultural production.%为减轻设施秋番茄温室白粉虱发生危害,减少化学农药用量、残留和环境污染,采用测报调查、随机区组设计和统计分析等方法,开展了生物农药阿维菌素+赤·吲乙·芸苔(碧护)和苦参碱+碧护与生化复配制剂甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐(甲维盐)+碧护防治设施秋番茄温室白粉虱农药田间药效试验。结果表明:在温室大棚秋季番茄白粉虱发生较重情况下,每公顷用1.8%阿维菌素EC 375 g+碧护600 g、1.5%苦参碱SL 4500 mL+碧护600 g和生化复配制剂5.7%甲维盐SG 450 g+碧护600 g,7天施药1次,连续施用4次,药后10、17、26、35天,防治效果均在81%、83%、85%和81%以上,且药后10天和17天甲维盐+碧护与阿维菌素+碧护、阿维菌素+碧护与苦参碱+碧护差异不显著,甲维盐+碧护显著高于苦参碱+碧护。阿维菌素+碧护、苦参碱+碧护和甲维盐+碧护不仅可以作为防治设施番茄温室白粉虱的理想药剂,而且可以作为现代农业示范区、无公害农产品、绿色农产品和有机农产品防治温室白粉虱的理想药剂。



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