首页> 中文期刊> 《装甲兵工程学院学报》 >基于脉冲等离子弧焊的增材再制造工艺研究




To improve the accuracy of the components remanufactured by pulsed plasma arc welding , im-pact of different process parameters on the bead geometry is investigated .Orthogonal test is adopted to an-alyze the effects of peak current , pulse frequency , duty cycle , welding speed and welding wire feeding speed on the bead geometry .Meanwhile , the linear energy density is introduced to evaluate the synthetic action of factors .The results show that the ratio of width to height increases with the increase of the peak current and duty cycle , however , it will decrease with the increase of welding speed and welding wire feeding speed .For the ratio of width to height , the most important influence factors are peak current and welding wire feeding speed , welding speed and duty cycle are less important .The ratio of width to height is monotonically increasing with the increment of linear energy density and the increment trend become slowly.The mathematical model for calculating inter laminar height is established , which can enhance the shaping accuracy of thin wall part .%为提高基于脉冲等离子弧焊的增材再制造零件的尺寸精度,采用正交试验法研究了峰值电流、脉冲频率、占空比、焊接速度、送丝速度对焊道尺寸的影响规律,并引入线能量密度考察因素的综合影响情况。结果表明:焊道的宽高比与峰值电流和占空比呈正相关,与焊接速度和送丝速度呈负相关;峰值电流和送丝速度对宽高比的影响最大,焊接速度、占空比次之,脉冲频率的影响最小;焊道宽高比与线能量密度呈单调递增的关系,增加趋势由快变慢。最后,建立了薄壁再制造零件层间高度的计算模型,可进一步提高成形零件的尺寸精度。



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