首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >职业病门诊就诊病人对职业病危害认知水平的调查



Objective To comprehend the understanding level on harmful factors of occupational disease in clinic patients with occupational disease. Methods 300 clinic patients who had been randomly chosen were surveyed by questionnaires. Results 42 of 300 patients ( 14% ) did not know what kinds of occupational hazards they had been exposing in their workplaces. Only 45.33% of the patients received special training for occupational hazards. 100% of the patients believed that "pre-employment physical examination" and "inspection by supervision agencies" were of importance. Conclusions Active education on occupational health and improvement of knowledge about occupational hazards are an important part in the prevention and treatment of occupational disease.%目的 了解职业病医院职业病门诊就诊病人对所接触的职业病危害因素了解的程度.方法 随机抽取300名来我院职业病门诊就诊的病人进行问卷式调查.结果 本次调查对象中有42人(14%)不知道自己工作岗位接触何种危害因素,300人中接受过培训的就诊病人仅占45.33%,所有就诊病人均认为"岗前体检好"及"欢迎监督部门检查"的百分比最高,均为100%.结论 积极推行职业健康教育促进,提高作业工人对职业病危害因素的认识,是职业病防治工作的重要部分.



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