首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >江门市健康体检人群血脂异常及与慢性非传染性疾病危险因素聚集性的研究



目的 分析江门市健康体检人群血脂异常及与慢性非传染性疾病危险因素聚集性状况.方法 对2010年5-7月健康体检人群3959人分析血脂异常分布情况与高血压、血糖异常、肥胖、高尿酸血症的关系.结果 调查人群高胆固醇血症(TC)、高甘油三酯血症(TG)、高低密度脂蛋白血症(LDL-C)和低高密度脂蛋白血症(HDL-C)的患病率分别为48.22%、31.85%、15.04%及0.58%,男性血脂异常呈现中间高,两头低的特点,而女性血脂异常的患病率均随着年龄的增长而增高;血脂异常与血压异常、血糖异常、肥胖、高尿酸血症等疾病具有明显聚集性,女性显著高于男性.结论 健康体检人群血脂异常患病率均较高,且男性显著高于女性,必须加强对该群体的宣传和重点人群干预,控制肥胖,减少血脂异常及慢性非传染性疾病的发生.%Objective To investigate the dyslipidemia and noninfectious chronic disease risk factor aggregation among population of health examination in Jiangmen. Methods The blood samples were collected from May to July 2010 in Jiangmen city. It included 3959 subjects aged 20-79 years, these subjects were analyzed for total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density liprotein-cholesterol, high density liproteincholesterol, glucose, uric acid, blood pressure and BMI. Results The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia,hypertriglyceridemia,high LDL-C,low HDL-C were 48.22%, 31.85%, 15.04% and 0.58% respectively.The dyslipidemia rates of 40-59 years group higher than the 20-39 years group and the 60-79 years group in male. The prevalence of the dyslipidemia went up with the age in female. There were aggregation between lipid disorders and hypertension, impaired fasting glucose, obesity and hyperuricaemia, especially in female .Conclusion The dyslipidemia rate of the population of health examination in Jiangmen was high,especially in male. We should focus our prevention and control on strengthening drumbeating and intervening to control obesity to decrease dyslipidemia and noninfectious chronic disease.



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