首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >510例股骨头标本常规脱水与超声波快速脱水对切片效果的比较研究



Objective To compare the effect of conventional dehydration with that of rapid ultrasonic dehydration by analyzing the results of tissue slices of femoral head specimens with HE stainning from 510 patients.Methods The femoral head specimens were sawn into two pieces of slice in 2cm × 2cm × 0.3cm;30% formic acid-decalcification solution was used to make the speimens decalcified in 16-18 hours;then the pieces of slice were treated by conventional dehydration or ultrasonic rapid dehydration.After being paraffin-embedded,sliced??,and stained,the clarity and completeness of the tinct organizational structure of the specimens with HE stainning were observed.Results The effect of rapid ultrasonic dehydration was slightly better than conventional dehydration for the tissue slices of femoral head specimens with HE stainning.But there was no statistical significance between the two methods(P>0.05).Conclusions After decalcification of bone tissues,rapid ultrasonic dehydration can be used to replace conventional dehydration for obtaining better tissue slices with HE staining.Rapid ultrasonic dehydration shortens the time of pathological results,which can satisfy the demand for clinical work.%目的 通过510例股骨头标本HE制片结果的分析,比较常规脱水与超声波快速脱水的效果.方法 股骨头标本用锯锯成2cm×2cm×0.3cm的薄片二份,用30%的甲酸脱钙液进行脱钙16~18小时,分别用常规脱水的方法及超声波快速脱水的方法脱水处理后,经石蜡包埋、切片、染色制成HE切片,观察染色后的组织结构的清晰度及完整性.结果 股骨头标本经二种脱水方法处理后制成的HE切片,阅片比较发现超声波快速脱水法优良率略高于常规脱水法,两种方法比较,P>0.05,差异无统计学意义.但超声波组织处理仪能明显缩短病理制片工作时间.结论 骨组织脱钙后采用超声波快速脱水的方法可以代替常规脱水,HE切片效果良好,缩短了病理检验报告时间,更好地满足了临床工作的需求.



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