首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >针药联合治疗肾虚肝郁型卵巢功能低下60例临床研究



目的 观察针药联合治疗肾虚肝郁型卵巢功能低下患者的治疗效果.方法 选择2014年10月至2015年9月在荔湾区中医院诊断为肾虚肝郁型卵巢功能低下患者60例,随机分为针药组和对照组,每组30例.针药组患者给予口服补肾调肝合剂联合针灸治疗,对照组给予口服补肾调肝合剂,两组均以3个月为1个疗程,观察2个疗程后两组患者取得的疗效.结果 治疗后两组患者的全身症状、症状积分均明显改善,两组患者血清卵泡刺激素(FSH)、血清雌二醇(E2)水平明显下降(P<0.05)、抗苗勒氏管激素(AMH)水平明显升高(P<0.05);且针药组的有效率、妊娠率、疗程及血清FSH、AMH改善情况明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论补肾调肝合剂联合针灸能缩短疗程,明显减轻卵巢功能低下患者的身心痛苦,降低了血清卵泡刺激素水平,提高卵巢储备功能及临床妊娠率.%Objective To explore the clinical effect of Bushentiaoganheji combined with acupuncture for patients with ovarian dysfunction of kidney-deficiency and liver-depression type.Methods 60 patients diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction of kidney-deficiency and liver-depression type at our hospital from October,2014 to September,2015 were selected and divided into a treatment group and a control group,30 cases for each group.The treatment group orally took Bushentiaoganheji and were treated with acupuncture.The control group orally took Bushentiaoganheji.Both groups were treated for 3 months as a treatment course.After 2 treatment courses,the treatment efficacies of both groups were observed.Results After the treatment,the general symptoms and Kupperman's score were significantly improved,the serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and serum estradiol (E2) significantly were decreased,and the anti-miller antibody(AMH)level was significantly increased in both groups(P<0.05).The effective rate and the pregnancy rate were remarkably higher,the treatment course was significantly shorter,and the serum levels of FSH and AMH group were significantly better in the treatment group than in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusions Bushentiaoganheji combined with acupuncture can significantly shorten the treatment course and the patients' palliates sufferings,decrease serum FSH level,improve ovarian function,and incarese pregnancy rate.



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