首页> 中文期刊> 《国际肝胆胰疾病杂志(英文版)》 >Isolation and primary culture of rat hepatocytes

Isolation and primary culture of rat hepatocytes



Objective: To find out an optimal condition for isola-tion and primary culture of hepatocytes.Method: Rat hepatocytes were isolated by a two-stepcollagenase perfusion, and cultured in hepatozyme-SFM. The reduction of MTT to formazan salt was ex-amined. Supernatant medium was collected for analy-sis of alanine aminotransferase(ALT) and ureagene-sis.Results: The two-step collagenase perfusion yielded39±12×10~6 cells/g liver tissue with a viability of88%±2%. Fine morphology and stable urea synthesisfor one week could be achieved when hepatocytes werecultured in Hepatozyme-SFM.Conclusion: High yield of hepatocytes can be isolatedwith two-step collagenese perfusion. Hepatozyme-SFM is suitable for sustained growth of hepatocytes.


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