首页> 中文期刊> 《仪表技术与传感器》 >磁致伸缩位移测量的研究与回波信号的分析与处理




以研制5~10m的大位移的磁致伸缩位移传感器为目标,重点分析研究了在磁致伸缩位移测量中对回波信号的检测,对回波信号的接收装置做了创新性的改进,接收装置改成了压电陶瓷,针对回波信号掺杂的干扰信号,提出了一些对实验装置的信号的抗干扰性改进的方法思路,在杂波可能出现的实验装置上进行了分析.设计中为传感器留出一些常用的工业仪表专用接口,如符合工业标准的4~20mA的信号接口,PROFIBUS工业总接口,为以后将位移测量值接入测量和控制系统,实现智能化的工业控制系统做了准备.%This paper aimed at researching 5 m to 10 m large displacement magnetostrictive displacement sensor, and mainly analyzed and studied the detection of echo signal during magnetostrictive displacement measurement. And it made innovative improvements on the echo signal receiving device with the replacement of piezoelectric ceramic to receiving device. According to the interference signal intermingled in the echo signal, some improved methods to the anti-interference of the signal of experimental device were put forward, and some analysis were carried out on the experimental device where the clutter might occur. The design provided some commonly used industrial instruments specific interface for the sensor. For example, the signal interface conforming to the industrial standard from 4 mA to 20 mA and the PROFIBUS total industrial interface. This makes preparation for the introduction of displacement measurement value to the measurement and control system, and for the realization of intelligent industrial control system.



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