首页> 中文期刊>工业用水与废水 >化学水处理系统存在问题分析及优化运行




In view of the problems existing in the design and operation of demineralized water system of Panzhihua Iron and Steel(Group) Company of Chongqing Titanium Industry Co., Ltd., including: resin leakage,ineontinuity of water quality monitoring, flow rates of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide jet apparatus bigger than normal, corrosion and blockage of regeneration system, extensive management affect the stability of water quality, high consumption of hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide and process water during the water production etc, many optimization measures such as: enhancing on-line monitoring, rectifying and perfecting system facilities, strengthening basic management and so on were adopted. The results showed that, the quality of demineralized water was recovered to normal and the cost of consumed hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide and process water for water production declined.%针对攀钢集团重庆钛业公司除盐水系统设计方面存在的树脂渗漏、水质监测不连续、盐酸、烧碱喷射器流量偏大、再生系统腐蚀、堵塞等问题,以及运行方面的粗放式管理,影响水质稳定,制水耗用的盐酸、烧碱、工艺水过高的问题,逐一采取了加强在线监测,整改、完善系统设施,加强基础管理等优化措施,使除盐水水质恢复正常,制水消耗的盐酸、烧碱、工艺水成本下降.



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