首页> 中文期刊>工业用水与废水 >火电厂废水处理系统氨氮超标处理浅析




Not well controlled denitration system in thermal power plant can cause ammonia escape concen-tration increase, which leads to ammonia nitrogen concentration in discharged wastewater exceed the standard. The reasons caused the ammonia nitrogen concentration in the wastewater discharged from a thermal power plant in Inner Mongolia exceeded the standard were found through the analysis and diagnosis on the wastewater treat-ment system. Adopting the measures such as adjusting operation mode of denitration system and using break-point chlorination process to treat ammonia nitrogen, the problem was solved. The said process had advantages of obvious effect, flexible operation, small investment, basically no space occupation, convenient maintenance, high-er economic benefit and lower environmental risk, which was worthy of being referenced and popularized.%火力发电厂的脱硝系统经常因为控制不好,氨逃逸浓度会增加,进而导致排放废水氨氮浓度超标。针对内蒙古某电厂氨氮超标问题,通过对系统全面分析诊断,经过化验分析,查明超标原因,采取了调整脱硝系统运行方式和折点氯化法除氨氮的处理措施,解决了氨氮超标问题。该方案效果明显,操作灵活,投资小,基本不占用场地,维护方便,有较高的经济效益,降低了环保风险,值得借鉴和推广。



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