首页> 中文期刊> 《工业技术创新》 >食器类建水紫陶可迁移重金属安全风险评估




The product processing area of Jianshui purple pottery is located in the nonferrous metals mineral rich region. The Jianshui purple pottery of table containers with improperly formulated glazes can release some toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, copper and manganese into foods, which may contaminate the foods and even endanger consumers’ health. In order to explore the leaching behavior of the eight heavy metals, 15 batches samples were used ICP-OES simultaneous determination of eight metals which content in the soaking liquid. Comparer with drinking water Heavy metal elements of health guidance value in China, Jianshui purple pottery eight heavy metal exposure risk is extremely low, safe and reliable.%建水紫陶生产加工区地处有色金属矿产比较丰富的地区,食器类紫陶产品的有害重金属砷、汞、铅、镉、铬、镍、铜、锰元素向食品中迁移会造成食品的污染。本研究通过采集15个批次食器类紫陶产品,利用ICP-OES同时测定浸泡液中的8个金属元素含量,再与我国生活饮用水中重金属元素的健康指导值比较,食器类建水紫陶8个重金属暴露风险极低,安全可靠。



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