首页> 中文期刊> 《工业工程》 >基于膏体充填的煤矿绿色开采激励机制研究




With the characteristics of improving the resource recovery ratio, promoting production safety, and protecting the environment, the coordinated paste filling takes an important part of the green coal min- ing system. However, while it can keep the original state of the environment unchanged, it results in new environmental management costs. Thus, the government should encourage the coal mining enterprises to a-dopt the coordinated paste filling technology by incentive policy. For this objective, a model is developed for it by treating the relation between the government and coal mining enterprises as principal and agent relation. With this model, the government incentive mechanism is analyzed under different constraints. This is useful for the coal industry to achieve the balance and sustainable development.%膏体充填开采技术以其提高资源采出率、促进安全生产、有效保护环境的特点,成为煤矿绿色开采体系的重要组成部分.膏体充填协调采煤维护原有环境状态的同时,会带来新的环境治理成本.考虑建立政府与煤矿企业的委托代理模型,分析不同约束条件,设计政府对企业的激励机制,鼓励企业采用膏体充填协调采煤,实现完全成本核算体系.这对于实现煤炭产业协调可持续发展是有利的.



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