首页> 外文期刊>自动化学报:英文版 >A Facial Expression Emotion Recognition Based Human-robot Interaction System

A Facial Expression Emotion Recognition Based Human-robot Interaction System


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A facial expression emotion recognition based human-robot interaction(FEER-HRI) system is proposed, for which a four-layer system framework is designed. The FEERHRI system enables the robots not only to recognize human emotions, but also to generate facial expression for adapting to human emotions. A facial emotion recognition method based on2D-Gabor, uniform local binary pattern(LBP) operator, and multiclass extreme learning machine(ELM) classifier is presented,which is applied to real-time facial expression recognition for robots. Facial expressions of robots are represented by simple cartoon symbols and displayed by a LED screen equipped in the robots, which can be easily understood by human. Four scenarios,i.e., guiding, entertainment, home service and scene simulation are performed in the human-robot interaction experiment, in which smooth communication is realized by facial expression recognition of humans and facial expression generation of robots within 2 seconds. As a few prospective applications, the FEERHRI system can be applied in home service, smart home, safe driving, and so on.
机译:提出了一种基于表情情感识别的人机交互系统,设计了一个四层的系统框架。 FEERHRI系统使机器人不仅可以识别人的情绪,而且可以生成面部表情以适应人的情绪。提出了一种基于二维Gabor,统一局部二元模式(LBP)算子和多类极限学习机(ELM)分类器的面部情感识别方法,该方法用于机器人的实时面部表情识别。机器人的面部表情用简单的卡通符号表示,并通过机器人中配备的LED屏幕显示,这很容易为人所理解。在人机交互实验中,进行了导游,娱乐,家庭服务和场景模拟四种场景,通过人脸识别和2秒钟内机器人面部表情的实现,实现了顺畅的交流。 FEERHRI系统作为一些潜在的应用程序,可以应用于家庭服务,智能家居,安全驾驶等领域。




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