首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南农机》 >基于物联网的家用电灯开关无线控制系统设计




In this paper,a smart wireless control system based on internet of things was designed for household light switches. Firstly,a stm32 processor which took Cort ex-M3 as the kernel was designed as the circuit of host controller;Secondly, STC89C52RC MCU was designed as slave circuit,so as to control the switch and inspect the output data of current sensor;then a real-time monitoring circuit was designed to check whether the monitored circuit is working properly;The RF communications of this system is implemented through SMS and NRF24L01,thus the transmission and reception of the information of this system be-tween the users and controller was completed through SIM900A;At last,system softwares were designed,which made the connec-tion of things between mobile phone and household appliances possiblein the intelligent wireless control system.%设计了一种基于物联网的家用电灯智能无线控制系统。系统设计了以Cortex-M3内核的stm32处理器作为系统主机控制器电路,采用STC89C52RC单片机的从机电路,实现开关控制功能和检测电流传感器的输出数据。系统以手机短信和NRF24L01实现射频通信,系统的用户端与控制端的信息传递通过GSM模块-SIM900A的短信接收与发送完成,从而实现了智能无线控制控制系统中的手机与家用电器的物物连接。



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