首页> 中文期刊> 《湖北农业科学》 >秦皇岛市公园绿地花境植物应用调查




Application status of flower boarder in 21 green spaces of Qinhuangdao city parks was investigated by field survey and analyzed. The results showed that there were 70 species belonging to 32 families 59 genuses applied in flower border of Qinhuangdao city parks. The blossom ornamental period lasted from April to the end of October, as 58 species bloomed in spring and summer (from April to July); while 42 bloomed in summer and autumn (from August to October). The flower borders were rich in color. And the types of flower border were mainly lawn flower border, curb flower border, forest edge flower border, wall flower border and waterfront flower border. Based on the application situation, recommendation including strengthening species introduction and domestication, pinpoint regional characteristics, increasing application of cold—resistance varieties, keeping the continuity of border landscape, optimizing the plant species structure in border, promoting conservation-oriented city green space construction were put forward.%对秦皇岛市22个公园绿地的花境应用现状进行了实地调查与分析,结果表明,秦皇岛市公园绿地花境中栽植的植物有70种,隶属于32科59属;花境的观赏期从4月到10月下旬,其中春夏季(4~7月)开花的花境植物有58种,夏秋季(8~10月)开花的花境植物有42种;花境植物色彩丰富;花境的应用形式有滨水花境、林缘花境、路缘花境、草坪花境、墙垣花境5种.针对秦皇岛市公园绿地花境应用的现状,提出了加强引种驯化、突出地域特色,加大抗寒抗逆植物的应用、加强花境景观的持续性,优化花境植物种类结构、促进节约型城市绿地的建设等建议.



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