首页> 中文期刊> 《红水河》 >基于防冰专项管理平台及手持终端的输电线路覆冰观测与应用




针对贵州电网输电线路覆冰现状及目前线路观冰存在数据上报不及时、数据收集整理难等主要问题,引入了基于防冰专项管理平台及手持终端的输电线路覆冰观测思路,通过建立防冰专项管理平台、建立移动专线网络通道、固化覆冰数据收集及计算模板,以移动式手持终端为载体,实现现场观冰基础数据直接调用、现场覆冰数据填写、覆冰照片拍摄、现场自动计算覆冰厚度及覆冰比值、现场观冰数据实时上传及后台覆冰数据统计分析等管理,大大提高了输电线路现场观冰工作效率。%The anti-icing management platform and hand-held terminals are introduced to Guizhou power grid to collect the transmission lines icing data and solve the problems of difficult collection and delayed report of icing data obtained by current methods according to the present icing situation of transmission lines. The collection and calcula-tion of transmission line icing data are reinforced by establishing the anti-icing specific management platform and mobile network channel. Through hand-held terminals, real time transmission line icing data and pictures can be recorded, uploaded and invoked directly;besides, the icing-thickness and icing ratio can be calculated automatically, which greatly improve the efficiency of field observation of transmission line icing.



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