首页> 中文期刊> 《河南科学》 >河南促进“三化”协调发展的财政政策建议




Based on the perspective in coordinated development of industrialization,urbanization and agricultural modernization,proceeding from the reality in Henan Province,this paper discusses the policy suggestions of Henan financial development.Research suggests that although economic development of Henan Province is relatively fast,the financial strength is enhanced these years,the per capita resource is still very weak and at it a lower level in a long-term for such a big province with one hundred million people.Especially in this "new normal" economy,the pressure of the economic downturn increases continuously,the fiscal revenue growth declines obviously,and the contradiction of revenue and expenditure are tending towards sharp.In this background,according to the requirements of coordinated development of industrialization,urbanization and agricultural modernization,optimizing the structure of fiscal revenue and expenditure,increasing the financial investment prospective,improving the investment benefit of financial fund,and playing a better leading role of financial fund are of great significances for the growth stabilization,situation guaranteed,structural adjustment,and livelihood benefited in the new situation.%基于“三化”协调发展的视角,从河南实际出发,系统论述了河南省财政发展的政策建议.研究认为,虽然这些年来河南省经济发展比较快,财政实力也随之相应增强.但相对于一亿人口的大省来说,人均财力仍然十分薄弱,长期处于全国较低水平.特别是在经济进入新常态情况下,经济下行压力持续增大,财政收入增速下滑趋势明显,收支矛盾趋于尖锐.在此背景下,按照“三化”协调发展的要求进一步优化财政收支结构,增强财政投资的前瞻性,提高财政资金的投资效益,更好发挥财政资金“四两拔千斤”的引导作用,对于新形势下稳增长、保态势、调结构、惠民生具有重要意义.



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