首页> 中文期刊> 《暖通空调》 >磁悬浮变频离心式冷水机组能效实测研究




对国内不同城市磁悬浮冷水机组节能改造工程的实际运行效果进行了详细测试,实测数据表明,磁悬浮冷水机组在整个供冷季的平均运行能效高于相关国家标准规定的最高能效,远高于现有常规螺杆式或定速离心式冷水机组的供冷季实际运行能效.但磁悬浮冷水机组在实际应用过程中,也存在着多台冷水机组负荷分配不均、未能充分发挥其部分负荷下的高效特点、输配系统水泵能耗偏高等问题,系统能效仍然存在很大的提升空间.%Tests the operation performances of the energy saving retrofit projects of centrifugal magnetic suspension water chillers in different cities.The results show that the average operation efficiency of centrifugal magnetic suspension water chillers in whole cooling season exceeds the highest efficiency values in the relevant national standards and is also far higher than the actual operation efficiency of screw water chillers or fixed speed centrifugal water chillers.However,centrifugal magnetic suspension water chillers have some problems in the practical applications,such as unequal load distribution of multiple water chillers,low efficiency under the part load conditions and high energy consumption of pumps in distribution systems.There is still a huge potential to increase system energy efficiency.



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