首页> 中文期刊>贵州农业科学 >泰州市犬螨虫病的流行病学调查




为了解泰州市宠物犬螨虫病的流行病学情况,对泰州市江苏牧院宠物医院、泰州市飞翔宠物医院和博仁动物医院就诊的179例患有螨虫病的宠物犬的发病时间、发病部位、年龄、性别、品种、治疗情况等进行了调查,结果表明:疥螨病多发于冬季、秋末和春初,蠕形螨病主要发生于夏秋季;患螨虫病的犬年龄大部分集中在1岁以内,而且雄性高于雌性;长毛犬的发病率高于短毛犬,免疫犬的发病率低于未免疫犬.%179 cases of acarinosis of dogs from pet hospital of Jiangsu College of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Feixiang pet hospital and Boren pet hospital in Taizhou were investigated from aspects of disease time, location, age, sex, species and treatment to know the epidemiological status of canine acarinosis. The results showed that scabies mainly occured in winter, late autumn and early spring,demodex mainly occurred in summer and autumn; the age of dogs with acarinosis mostly concentrated in 1 year of age, and more males than the females; The incidence of long-haired dogs was higher than the shorthaired dogs; The incidence of immune dogs was lower than nonimmune dogs.



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