首页> 中文期刊> 《广东水利水电》 >城镇房地产建设水土流失特点及防治措施




The characteristics and harms of soil and water loss in the process of urban real estate project construction in Guangdong province have been summarized .The soil and water loss produced by urban real estate project leads to dust surrounding the project area, road into a muddy, deposition in the drain, even flood and water logging disasters , etc.According to different disturbances during construction preparatory stage , construction period and vegetation recovery , taking area in Guangzhou as an example , comprehensive prevention and control measures which is combined with engineering measures , plant and temporary measures have been proposed , in order to providing the reference for similar projects on water and soil erosion prevention and control .%文章总结了广东省城镇房地产项目建设过程中水土流失特点及危害。城镇房地产建设项目产生水土流失造成项目区扬尘、周边道路泥泞、排水沟道淤积,甚至引发洪、涝灾害等。以广州地区为例,针对项目在施工准备期、施工期和植被恢复期施工扰动特点,提出了工程措施、植物措施和临时措施相结合的综合防治措施,为类似项目水土流失防治提供参考。



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