首页> 中文期刊> 《广东水利水电》 >探讨灯塔镇中小河流治理过程的相关问题




The Lighthouse River and the Lantang River projects have been included in.Through the survey and inspection in the field, it knows that actualities of the small and medium rivers in the Lighthouse town is how to prevent the flood washed against the banks.To a-chieve the effect, protection and clean for the banks had been made, so that the cross flow section of rivers get larger enough to a-gainst floods.This paper used the Lighthouse town project as an example to discuss several problems, such as topographic survey-ing, topographic basic information, land expropriations, estimates, and solver issues left during the process.Some methods are dis-cussed so as to provide experience for the similar projects.%东源县灯塔镇的灯塔河和蓝塘水治理工程列入了2015年度《广东省山区五市中小河流治理实施方案》范围,通过现场实地查勘,了解了灯塔镇山区中小河流的现状。通过堤岸护岸和河道清淤等治理措施,使河道过流断面增大,行洪能力明显改善,达到河岸安全防冲的效果。结合灯塔镇在治理过程中存在的问题,对地形测量和地质基础资料、征地、概算、治理遗留问题等四方面问题进行了探讨,以供类似工程借鉴。



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