首页> 中文期刊> 《黄金》 >分层高压速凝注浆技术在破碎矿体开采中的应用




某铜矿地质构造以断层为主,节理裂隙发育,井巷围岩稳固性低,局部围岩相当破碎,需大量加固支护.设计采用了分层高压速凝注浆技术,应用分段凿岩阶段矿房采矿法对4#破碎矿体进行开采.详述了高压注浆加固方案及注浆工程布置、注浆主要参数计算、注浆工艺过程.分层高压速凝注浆技术很好地解决了岩体稳固性差、采出矿石含泥量较高等问题,成孔率提高了25%;提高了矿岩自稳性,大大增加了顶板和上盘围岩允许暴露面积,空场采矿法的采场结构进一步优化;降低了爆破后的矿石含泥量,提高了放矿效率,矿石回收率提高了23.3%;增强了采矿作业的安全性.%The geological structure of a copper mine is mainly controlled by faults with developed joint fissures, as a result of which, the surrounding rack of the shafts and drifts is fairly unstable, instable local wall rock prevails, and a large amount of reinforcement and support are required. This paper brings forward a proposal of utilizing layered high-pressure fast-set grouting technology. Block stoping method with sublevel drilling was adopted to mine 4# broken orebody. And the programme of high-pressure reinforcement, layout of the grouting project, the calculation of the main grouting parameters and the grouting process are introduced in detail. This method is a good solution to issues such as poor rock stability and high clay content of mined ore, and the drillhole integrity is increased by 25 %. Fabulous effects are achieved with the application of this proposal; improving ore rock stability, greatly increasing the allowed exposed area of the roof and hanging wall, optimizing structure of the open stope method, reducing clay-content of the mined ores, improving ore drawing efficiency, increasing ore recovery rate by 23, 3 % , and enhancing safety of mining operations.



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