首页> 中文期刊> 《石油物探》 >基于物理模型的溶蚀孔洞体积定量雕刻影响因素研究




Dissolution caves in carbonate reservoir are the main storage space and exploration targets in Tanro Basin, and it is of great importance to calculate the volume of dissolution caves quantitatively-In order to quantitatively estimate the volume, we designed cavern physical models with different-size caves and different fillings. Based on the physical modeling data. The impact of cave size and fillings on quantitative estimation was discussed. Then, the impact of noise on quantitative estimation was analyzed by adding variable random noise on pre-stack gathers of modeling data. The research shows that larger cave and higher filling velocity leads to smaller error on the volume estimation result. Meanwhile, stronger noise has more obvious impact on the volume estimation.%溶蚀孔洞作为目前塔里木盆地碳酸盐岩储层主要的储集空间和勘探目标,定量计算其体积大小意义重大.针对基于地震反演结果的碳酸盐岩溶洞定量雕刻问题,设计了不同大小孔洞和不同充填物孔洞物理模型,在物理模型实验资料的基础上研究了孔洞大小和不同充填物对孔洞定量雕刻误差的影响;并通过在叠前道集资料上添加不同程度的随机噪声,分析了噪声对溶洞定量雕刻误差的影响.研究表明:孔洞越大,孔洞体积雕刻误差越小;孔洞内填充介质速度越低,孔洞体积雕刻误差越大;噪声的影响总是趋于缩小孔洞响应的体积,噪声越大,影响越明显.



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