首页> 中文期刊> 《测绘与空间地理信息》 >基于地理国情普查论云计算安全性的比较优势




地理国情普查是一项全新的事业,许多环节和方法需要探索和研究。随着云计算技术的发展和广泛应用,在云计算支持下利用云平台开展地理国情普查十分必要。但在云计算环境下,数据存放导致可信度和信任边界受到质疑,面临着合规检查和存放位置风险及数据公开运行、未被有效隔离引来的风险等诸多挑战。云计算在安全性方面具有信誉信用、数据同构、运行管理、网络容灾等独特优势,以及数据安全、高可用性能力、安全人才等深层次优势。当然,将云计算理念和方法引入地理国情普查要有一个过程,许多问题需要探讨和解决。相信随着各项技术的进步,云计算将会更好地服务于地理国情普查监测工作。%Geographic national conditions census is a new career , many links and methods need to explore and research .With the de-velopment of cloud computing and wide application , carrying out geographic national conditions census by cloud platform is very neces -sary under the support of cloud computing .But in the cloud computing environment , data storing will cause that the credibility and trust boundaries are questioned , face many challenges including the risk of compliance check and storage location , and the risk which is caused by the data running exposed and is not isolated effectively .Cloud computing has unique advantages in security , such as credit, homogeneous data , operation management , network disaster tolerance etc , and deeper advantages including data security , high availability, security professionals etc .Of course, it needs a process that introducing the concepts and methods of cloud computing to geographic national conditions census , many problems need to be discussed and solved .With the development of technology , cloud computing will provide better services for geographic national conditions census monitoring .



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