首页> 中文期刊> 《测绘与空间地理信息》 >基于ETM数据煤田火区温度反演研究




煤田自燃一直是煤矿生产不容忽视的问题.本文利用热红外遥感技术检测因煤火导致地面温度异常的地区,采用两种不同的遥感反演温度算法(单窗算法、基于影像的算法),使用ETM+数据并通过阈值分割法提取2010年乌尊布拉克煤田火区的温度.结果表明,两种遥感反演算法得到的地下煤火区地表温度的空间分布趋势一致,反演结果符合要求.据此对地下煤火的变化类型进行判断,并确定煤火的生成状况,从而为煤田火灾防治提供必要的决策支持.%China is one of the most countries reserves lots of coal reserves in the world, however the spontaneous threaten of coal fire has been a intricate problem that cannot be ignored. Underground coal fire refers to coal layer because the surface exposed coal seam in the mining process in contact with oxygen oxidation reaction release large amounts of energy, when the spontaneous combustion phe-nomenon gathered energy reaches the upper limit. Coal fire hazards, such as the land cannot be used, plants cannot grow. Thermal in-frared remote sensing technology has a significant influence in determining the geothermal activity, geological survey. Because the coal fire makes the surface around the thermal anomaly, can use the thermal infrared remote sensing information of surface thermal condi-tion. In this paper, using ETM+data to study Xinjiang uzun Braque area of coalfield. The surface temperature of the fire zone of inver-sion to extract coal fire information, and the process of the change of coalfield fire range and dynamical analysis. Changes to the under-ground coal fire type judge, determine the generating condition of coal fire, so as to provide the necessary decision support for coal mine fire prevention and control.



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