首页> 中文期刊> 《家具与室内装饰》 >中国传统家具的文化基因




天”是中国传统文化的原教旨。从“天人合一”导出了三纲五常理论,成为中国传统主流文化;而中国民俗文化则为“自给自足”的小农经济和古代城市文明所孕育。中国传统家具是中国传统主流文化和中国民俗文化的物化。中国传统家具是在漫长的时间里,在广阔的空间里变化的。多民族的冲突和融合,佛教的东传和道教在民众中的传播,中国普通百姓对美好生活的强烈愿望和审美人生的追求,都对中国传统家具产生了重大的影响。中国传统主流文化对中国传统家具的影响多表现在宫廷和权贵的府邸的家具之中,中国民俗文化对中国传统家具的影响在民宅中则表现得淋漓尽致。中国传统家具实际上形成了中国独有的体系,它的文化内核隐含在中国传统主流文化和中国民俗文化之中,生动地体现了中华民族的民族精神。%“Heaven” is the original doctrine in the Chinese traditional culture. The theory of “three cardinal guides, ifve constant virtues” was introduced from “the unity of heaven and humanity”, which had been the main-stream culture of the Chinese ancient society. But the Chinese folk-custom culture had been cultivated from the self-suffciency agriculture economy and ancient city civilization. The Chinese traditional furniture is the materialization of the Chinese main-stream culture and the Chinese folk-custom culture, which had been changing in the long time and the wide districts. The Chinese traditional furniture had been inlfuenced by the conlficts and melt of multi-ethnos, the dissemination of Buddhism towards China and Taoism spread in the people, the strong desire for ifne living and the pursuit for aesthetic life of the people. The furniture in the court and mansion houses showed obviously the inlfuences of the Chinese main-stream culture, but the furniture in the private residence marked the inlfuences of the Chinese folk-custom culture thoroughly. There is a unique system in The Chinese traditional furniture whose gene hidden in the Chinese main-stream culture and the Chinese folk-custom culture, and it had embodied the ethic spirits of the Chinese nation.



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