首页> 中文期刊> 《福建稻麦科技》 >优质香型超级稻新品种“宜优673”




Yiyou 673, a new aromatic hybrid rice combination, was developed by Rice Research Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and was successively released in Fujian province, Nation, Guangdong province and Yunnan province. It was selected as an extending variety of transformation of scientific and technological achievements by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture, respectively, and has become a dominant cultivar in Fujian province and the whole nation. It has been identified as super rice variety by the Ministry of Agriculture. It was characterized by high yield, good quality, strong resistance, and wide adaptability. Its main characteristics and high-yielding cultivation techniques were introduced.%宜优673是福建省农业科学院水稻研究所育成的香型杂交水稻新品种,先后通过福建省、国家、广东省和云南省品种审定,分别被财政部、科技部、农业部列为农业科技成果转化推广品种。相继成为福建省和全国主导品种,并被农业部确认为超级稻品种,表现产量高、米质优、抗性强、适应性广等特点。介绍了宜优673品种主要特性及高产栽培技术。



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