首页> 外文期刊>中国历史学前沿:英文版 >The New View of Makeup and the Consumption of Cosmetics among the Women of Shanghai in the Modern Age

The New View of Makeup and the Consumption of Cosmetics among the Women of Shanghai in the Modern Age


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Under the pressure of the national crisis in modem China,millennia-old traditional concepts have been broken and adjusted,and new trends and ideas have emerged in large numbers.In order to defeat local cosmetics,from the moment they entered China foreign cosmetics companies attacked the traditional Chinese cosmetics of eyebrow pigment(dai),lip pigment(gong),rouge(zhi),and face powder(fen).Corresponding to the enlightenment ideas of the early twentieth century,women could no longer pursue beauty in a way that harmed their bodies.In the movement to liberate women''s bodies in the 1920s,radical intellectuals developed a severe criticism of the bad habits of using corsets and applying powder,and the concept of"healthy beauty"came into being.However,in the context of the development of the women''s liberation movement and the respect for women''s consumer rights,the healthy beauty theory failed to suppress women''s consumption of beauty products,and"natural beauty"and"artificial beauty"ultimately coexisted in lifestyles of women in the modem era of Shanghai.
机译:在现代中国的国家危机的压力下,千禧年的传统概念已经破裂和调整,而新的趋势和思想已经出现了大量的。在击败当地化妆品时,他们进入中国外国化妆品公司遭到袭击传统的眉毛颜料(戴),唇颜料(锣),胭脂(Zhi)和面粉(Fen)。对其20世纪初的启蒙思想相对应,女性再也不能以某种方式追求美容伤害了他们的身体。在20世纪20年代解放妇女机构的运动中,激进的知识分子对使用束胸和应用粉末的坏习惯产生了严重的批评,“健康美”的概念成为存在。但是,在妇女解放运动的发展的背景和致力于妇女的消费者权利,健康的美容理论未能抑制妇女的美容产品的消费,以及“自然美”和“人造美” Ulti.在上海调制解调器时代的妇女的生活方式中合作。




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