首页> 中文期刊> 《中国林副特产》 >小陇山林区高寒山地青海云杉育苗技术




In recent years ,with the consistent development and composite using of QingHai Spruce in barren hill afforestation ,water conservation ,urban greening and so on ,the Qinghai spruce xia‐olongshan forest has become the Pioneer of forest updating and barren hills afforestation in areas of alpine and wet in Xiaolongshan forest zone ,and it even has been the important seeds of foste‐ring reserve forest resources and greening the northwest territory in China .Since the implementa‐tion of Natural Forest Protection Project in 1998 ,Xiaolongshan Forestry Experiment Bureau has done lots of Qinghai spruce growing seedings experiments in alpine and cold areas of Tange For‐estry Station ,which lies in the west of qinling Mountain .via the experiment ,The seedling tech‐nique for qinghai spruces are summarized systematically ,it provides the technical guidance for seedling and developing qinghai spruces in the alpine and cold hill‐area .%  近年来,随着青海云杉在荒山造林、水源涵养、城市绿化等方面的不断开发与综合利用,青海云杉已成为小陇山林区高寒阴湿地带森林更新和荒山造林的先锋树种,更是培育后备森林资源和西北国土绿化的重要树种。1998年,天然林保护工程实施以来,小陇山林业实验局在地处秦岭西部余脉的滩歌林场高寒山地进行了大面积的青海云杉播种育苗,通过实践,系统总结了一整套育苗技术,以便为青海云杉在高寒山地的育苗与推广提供技术指导。



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