首页> 中文期刊> 《林业调查规划》 >基于ArcGIS分幅制作及输出使用林地现状图的方法研究




This paper describes the basic requirements of the present situation of the forest land map,such as the scale scale,the land area standard,the small line label,the figure number,the land annotation,the chart,the corridor decoration and the color of the land.This paper discusses a series of presentations,such as the preparation of the base map,the creation of a custom face slice layer,the establishment of a small class and the division layer correspondence,data driven page setup,production boundary.With ArcGIS software data-driven pages and factory mapping module sub-frame to produce forest land map can dynamically loaded map number,dynamic page definition query and dynamic loading small class notes,and also can improve the efficiency of mapping,shorten cycle.%阐述成图比例尺、用地范围标注,小班线标注、图幅号、地块注记、接图表、图廊整饰、地类色彩等分幅制作林地现状图的基本要求.藉此论述了准备底图,创建自定义面状分幅图层,建立小班与分幅图层对应关系,数据驱动页面设置,制作界线,地块标注等一系列现状图分幅制作方法和步骤,借助ArcGIS软件数据驱动页面和工厂化制图模块分幅制作林地现状图,可实现动态化加载图幅号、动态化页面定义查询和动态化加载小班注记表,可以提高制图效率、缩短出图周期.



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