首页> 中文期刊>环境卫生工程 >调理剂对城市粪便垃圾堆肥的影响




采用静态仓考察添加不同调理剂的粪便和垃圾混合堆肥过程的物理化学性质.结果表明:相对于锯末、干树叶和稻壳,玉米秸秆可以调节生活垃圾与粪便混合堆料孔隙率和堆料结构强度,是最合适的调理剂.主发酵期堆肥含水率降低较多,腐熟期变化较小.孔隙大的堆料结构和高温有利于含水率下降.堆肥初期有酸化现象,添加2%石灰调节pH可以避免严重酸化,保证堆肥顺利升温,缩短发酵期.混合堆肥中脱水粪便、生活垃圾、玉米秸秆、石灰配比的合理值为30%/60%/8%/2%.%Composting static vessel was set to investigate physico-chemical properties in night-soil/waste composting with different amendments. The results showed that maize straw was the best amendment that could adjust porosity and structural strength of the compost materials in comparison with sawdust, dry leaves and rice hull. Moisture contents decreased sharply in thermophilic stage, gradually in maturity stage. Higher porosity and high temperature showed positive effects to moisture volatilization. Acidification at start-up stage could be reduced by adding lime at dosage of 2%, leading to rapid rising of temperature and shorting composting period. Rational mixing rates of dewatering night-soil, domestic waste, maize straw and hme stayed at 30%/60%/8%/2%.



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