首页> 中文期刊>环境卫生工程 >回转窑焚烧炉在某县危废焚烧处理中的应用




The engineering principle and performance characteristics of rotary kiln incinerator system were analyzed from the types and scale of hazardous waste incineration,process selection,the design of rotary kiln incinerator,and the analysis of engineering example with an example of hazardous waste incineration disposal engineering in one country. The results show that the process of rotary kiln,second combustion chamber,waste heat boiler,quench tower,semi-dry reaction tower, dry acid tower, and bag-type dust collector was adopted. It controls the rotary kiln temperature about 850 ℃,the residence time of haz-ardous waste in rotary kiln around 60 minutes,the speed of rotary kiln is 0.2~1.0 r/min,the angle of rotary kiln is 2°. The tem-perature of second combustion chamber is greater than 1 100 ℃,the residence time of smoke in the combustion chamber is greater than 2 seconds. Under this condition, clinker ignition loss is less than 5%,burned removal rate is greater than 99.99%, and the flue gas emission meets GB 18484—2001.%以某县危险废物焚烧处置工程为例,从危险废物焚烧处理种类及规模、工艺选择、回转窑焚烧炉设计、工程实例分析4个方面探讨回转窑焚烧炉系统的工程原理和性能特点,结果表明:采用“回转窑+二燃室+余热锅炉+急冷塔+半干反应塔+干式脱酸塔+布袋除尘器”工艺,回转窑温度控制在850℃左右,危险废物在回转窑停留时间60 min 左右,转速0.2~1.0 r/min,倾斜角度2°;二燃室温度>1100℃,烟气在二燃室内停留时间>2 s。在此条件下,炉渣热灼减率<5%,飞灰去除率>99.99%,烟气排放满足 GB 18484—2001。



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