首页> 中文期刊>环境保护科学 >以加快环保产业发展助力绿色化:形势、思路与对策




环保产业是绿色经济的重要内容,是实现绿色化的重要基础、支撑和保障。“十三五”期间,我国环保产业发展面临新机遇,同时受环境保护工作重点、投融资结构、产业发展模式等影响,产业发展呈现出新的发展态势。文章明晰了当前我国环保产业存在环保市场开放程度不高、投资回报机制不健全、政策引导不强、市场不规范等问题,明确了我国环保产业应以市场化、专业化、产业化为导向,充分发挥市场主体作用的发展思路,提出了创造市场、释放市场、激活市场、规范市场、强化支撑等环保产业发展措施。%Environmental industry is a great part of green economy. It is an important basis that supports the green development. In the next five years, China’s environmental industry will face new opportunities and show a new development trend due to the influences of the key working focus on environmental protection, the changes of investment and financing structure, and the innovation of the commercial patterns. In this paper, the problems existing in the current environmental industry in China are clarified including low market opening level, imperfect investment and repayment system, weak policy guidance, and unsound mechanism of market regulation. Then, it is identified that the environmental industry in China should be oriented by marketization, professionalization and industrialization and developed by giving full play to the leading role of the market. Finally, a series of measures are proposed including creating market, releasing market, activating market, regulating market, and strengthening the supports to promote the development of environmental industry.



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