首页> 中文期刊> 《企业经济》 >关于提高创业板上市公司信息披露质量的思考




深圳创业板已经成为许多高成长性和技术创新型中小企业发展的助推器。由于这些企业入市门槛相对于主板市场而言比较低,以及其治理结构不尽合理等,导致创业板上市公司信息披露质量偏低,从而影响了上市公司的信誉及创业板市场的进一步发展。《证券法》等相关法规的制定和完善,是提高创业板上市公司信息披露质量的基础。而强化证券交易所监管职能、优化上市公司治理结构、提高信息披露相关人员业务水平等,则是解决问题的关键。%Shenzhen GEM has become a booster of Chinese SMEs, whose high - growth and technological innovations need a lot of money. The threshold into GEM crossed by those enterprises is relatively low compared with the Main - Board Market, as well as its governance structure is not totally reasonable. So, the information disclosure of companies listed on GEM is low - quality, not just negatively affecting the credibility of the listed companies, but also further development of the GEM as well. The for- mulation and improvement of "Securities Act" and other relevant laws and regulations are the basis of the high quality of in- formation disclosure. It is critical to strengthen stock exchange' s regulatory functions, optimize the governance structure of listed companies, and improve staff business level.



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