首页> 中文期刊> 《冶金能源》 >132 m2烧结机机头电除尘器改造方案∗

132 m2烧结机机头电除尘器改造方案∗



分析132m2烧结机机头烟气收集率低且静电除尘后排尘浓度不达标等问题的原因,提出一、二电场常规极板、极线及振打机构整体换新,三、四电场布置改变原有常规电除尘器电场阴阳极布置,采用超低浓度技术等措施对其进行改造,改造后含尘烟气捕集效率显著提高,除尘器的除尘净化效率显著升高,净化后外排烟粉尘≤40mg/m3,优于国家现行排放标准,岗位作业环境同步改善。%The study analyzed the problems of low flue gas collection rate and low efficient electrostatic precipitator dust concentration after 132m2 sintering machine. We propose to use the following transfor-mation:one or two electric field conventional plate, pole line and the whole body changed the new. Three or four electric field changed the original conventional electric dust collector electric field cathode and anode arrangement. The technology of ultra low concentration was used to transform it. The effi-ciency of dust collection efficiency was improved significantly after transformation. And the dust remov-al efficiency of the dust collector was significantly increased. After purification, the dust concentration of the outside exhaust smoke was not more than 40 mg/m3 that was better than the current national e-mission standards. The operating environment was improved too.



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