首页> 中文期刊>电子科技 >侧光式LED液晶电视背光模组设计原理




As a key factor in the design,the LCD TV backlight module is experiencing a transformation from the LCD module to the LED module and from small size LED module to large size LED module.What is important in backlight design is how to transform the LED light source into uniform surface light source while ensuring the necessary light energy utilization.Especially in the large-size backlight module,each component of the backlight module must be considered and computed in the early design to reduce costs.Simulation results show that the central scale≥420 cd/m2,the light uniformity≥76%,and other indexes such as color coordinator,visual angle and painting quality meet the design requirement.%液晶电视背光模组作为设计的关键,正从LCD向LED模组、从小尺寸LED向大尺寸LED模组转变。在LED模组设计中如何将LED点光源转化成均匀的面光源,同时保证必要的光能量利用率,是背光源设计所面临的两大议题。尤其在大尺寸背光模组中,为降低成本,需在设计之初,对背光模组的各个器件进行整体考虑和计算。仿真实验结果证明,中心辉度为≥420 cd/m2;亮度均匀性≥76%;色坐标、视角、画质等均符合设计要求。



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